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Donald Trump’s repulsive speech nearly brings Stephen Colbert to tears

  For 15 seconds, a choked-up Stephen Colbert had no words. It was Thursday night, a couple of hours after  Donald Trump  stunned the world by staggering into the White House briefing room and vomiting up a toxic speech that was the presidential equivalent of a delusional drunk ranting on a subway car at 2 a.m. This speech was to Churchill as an obscene stick-figure doodle is to Picasso. Unable to cope with the dawning reality —  Joe Biden  is on the road to victory — Trump cleaved to the dark conspiracies and baseless allegations conjured inside his MAGA silo.  Voter fraud! Stolen election!  He looked and sounded like a hallucinating mental patient in need of wrist restraints. The sad spectacle was too much for Colbert. Refusing to play a second from the speech, which he called “poison,” the late night host instead showed a clip from the 2016 election during which Trump revealed his Terms & Conditions in the event of a loss to Hillary Clinton: “I will totally accept the results of

COVID-19 pandemic deepening Toronto’s overdose crisis, Dr. Eileen de Villa says

The  COVID-19 pandemic  has worsened the already “deadly overdose crisis in the city,” a new report suggests. Dr. Eileen de Villa, Toronto’s medical officer of health, released a report that points to an increase in both fatal and non-fatal overdoses since March. “Between April 1 and Sept. 30 of 2020, 132 people in Toronto lost their lives due to a  suspected opioid overdose  — nearly double the number from the same period in 2018 and 2019.” Coun. Joe Cressy, chair of Toronto Public Health, says public health experts have kept the community safe with their response to COVID-19, and the same should be mirrored when “tackling the public health emergency that is the overdose crisis in our city.” Mayor John Tory says the city’s Overdose Action Plan, which was implemented in 2017, has made a “positive difference”. “The fact is we need a laser-focused effort by all three governments, particularly the provincial government with it’s responsibility for health care, if we want to stop the dying

‘It’s a catharsis!’ People party outside the White House as outgoing president Donald Trump hunkers down within By Edward KeenanWashington Bureau Chief

  WASHINGTON—In this pandemic campaign year, the honking of car horns replaced the cheers of a crowd at candidate   Joe Biden’s  drive-in rallies. In the early afternoon, that beep-beep-beep became the soundtrack of the cities where he’d just become president-elect. For a Torontonian in Washington, it sounded like someone had just won the World Cup. And it went on for hours. Streets across Washington were filled with cars honking, many of their occupants leaning out of windows and screaming with joy as they passed sidewalks and parks full of people jumping up and down, waving Biden/Harris signs, or homemade variations of their message to Donald Trump: You’re fired. Black Lives Matter Plaza near the White House, closed to traffic as it has been since the spring resurgence of a protest movement that gave it its name, was as full of bodies as a mosh pit in the warm afternoon sun. “Na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na, heeeeeeeey, goodbye!” the masked crowd sang at one point. Champagne was uncorked an

U.S. Election 2020: Read the full text of President-elect Joe Biden’s victory speech

  Editor’s note: This is a copy of President-elect  Joe Biden’s  victory speech, released on the evening of Saturday, Nov. 7, 2020. The speech was delivered in Wilmington, Delaware. My fellow Americans, the people of this nation have spoken. They have delivered us a clear victory. A convincing victory. A victory for “We the People.” We have won with the most votes ever cast for a presidential ticket in the history of this nation — 74 million. I am humbled by the trust and confidence you have placed in me. I pledge to be a President who seeks not to divide, but to unify. Who doesn’t see Red and Blue states, but a United States. And who will work with all my heart to win the confidence of the whole people. For that is what America is about: The people. And that is what our Administration will be about. I sought this office to restore the soul of America. To rebuild the backbone of the nation — the middle class. To make America respected around the world again and to unite us here at home

10 Mitch McConnell Facial Expressions That Confirm He’s Finally Dumping Trump

When you hitch your horses to a horse’s ass, you get four years of headaches. (Credit: M itch McConnell’s facial expressions don’t lie. And his face is making it clear that as Republicans are about to take a blood bath in the November elections, the Senator from Kentucky is done with Donald Trump. Take a look at these facial “tells” to see just how obvious it is that the Senate Majority Leader is dumping Trump. The “Christ, He Didn’t Just Fucking Say That, Did He?”Face : Every day for four years, the moron in chief has blurted out or tweeted something that sends McConnell’s face into a sagging mess of misery. Just when he thinks he’s ahead of some bad news Trump has created, the Orange Accident doubles down on his legendary stupidity. And the Senate leader is left to ask again, “Did he really just say that?” His patience is over. 2. The “What A Blabbering, Bloviating Bag Of Blubber” Face:  Mitch should not be one to talk about bloviating bags of blubber, but he freq