Donald Trump’s repulsive speech nearly brings Stephen Colbert to tears
For 15 seconds, a choked-up Stephen Colbert had no words. It was Thursday night, a couple of hours after Donald Trump stunned the world by staggering into the White House briefing room and vomiting up a toxic speech that was the presidential equivalent of a delusional drunk ranting on a subway car at 2 a.m. This speech was to Churchill as an obscene stick-figure doodle is to Picasso. Unable to cope with the dawning reality — Joe Biden is on the road to victory — Trump cleaved to the dark conspiracies and baseless allegations conjured inside his MAGA silo. Voter fraud! Stolen election! He looked and sounded like a hallucinating mental patient in need of wrist restraints. The sad spectacle was too much for Colbert. Refusing to play a second from the speech, which he called “poison,” the late night host instead showed a clip from the 2016 election during which Trump revealed his Terms & Conditions in the event of a loss to Hillary Clinton: “I ...